Heim MicrosoftWindows ServerExchange Exchange 2007/2010 Message Size Limits

Exchange 2007/2010 Message Size Limits

eftir Jón Ólafsson


By default, Microsoft Exchange Servers will only accept 10Mb e-mails attachments and here below are some of the settings I change if a organization require higher receive size limits, this is for a single server setup.


The message size limits on the organization level are set through the Exchange Management Console by browsing to:
Organization Configuration > Hub Transport > Global Settings
then double click on the default transport settings


These are the default settings


To set the default send/receive limits to 50Mb please change Maximum Receive and send size to 51200 (KB)

You can also configure these settings using the EMS

Set-TransportConfig –MaxReceiveSize 50MB –MaxSendSize 50MB


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The message size limits on the send connector can be set through the EMC
Organization Configuration > Hub Transport > Send Connectors
Then double click the Send Connector:


These are the default settings


You can also configure these settings using the EMS

Set-SendConnector –Identity Internet –MaxMessageSize 50MB


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The message size limits of the receive connector can be set through the EMC
Server Configuration > Hub Transport
Then double click the Receive Connector in the Receive Connectors pane:


These are the default settings


You can also configure these settings using the EMS

Set-ReceiveConnector –Identity “MAIL1\Default MAIL1” –MaxMessageSize 25MB


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You could also put limits to the MaxReceiveSize and MaxSendSize values for one mailbox users, mail-enabled contacts or a distribution groups but by default no limits are imposed.

To view the settings for a mailbox user, navigate to Recipient Configuration > Mailbox Double click the User and go to Activate tab Mail Flow Settings and open the Properties of the Message Size Restrictions settings:


These are the default settings


You can also configure these settings using the EMS

Set-Mailbox UserID –MaxSendSize 2GB –MaxReceiveSize 2GB

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