Heim My Disclaimer

My Disclaimer

Disclaimer for www.lappari.com

  • www.lappari.com er lén í einkaeigu sem notað er af mér fyrir tengla, tölvupóst og FTP.
  • www.lappari.com is a privately own domain used by me for links, mail and FTP.
  • www.lappari.com is hosted on a private server in Iceland.


Picture made by Ded-I.....

WARNING: The creator of this site takes no responsibility or liability for anything that happens as a result of reading or downloading anything on this page or anything contained in subsequent pages. You must be aware that all my posts on www.lappari.com are my private opinion/experiance with no warranties.

For further clarification please use the contact form : http://www.lappari.com/contact/

Þessi vefur notast við vafrakökur. Samþykkja Lesa meira